TravelPod - The Web's Original Travel Blog

(click on title above to go to webpage) is devoted exclusively to travel blogs, aka online "travel journals" and "travelogues." Started in 1997, it probably was the first website to offer this service. Membership (which is free) allows you to submit blog entries about your trip, upload photographs, and even upload video and audio files (travel podcasts). You can create an address book of people who will be notified each time you make a blog entry of file upload. And, TravelPod will track your entries on a world map for others to see. Pretty cool!

Members also have access to personal guest books (blog visitors), budget travel resources, email accountes, newsletters, and discussion forums.

I started my blogging life this past year when my daughter recommended that I do a blog for a trip that I was taking the Golden Triangle region of Southeast Asia. I spent many a late evening writing up blog entires on my laptop, which I later uploaded to blogger/ For my next trip blog, I will probably be using TravelPod!