Finally got a chance to go on a vacation on our own with my brother and his girlfriend, Huijie. I was looking very forward to the 5 days, 5 nights trip (6th June - 11th June). As we were taking the 630pm bus, I was still busy working on that Friday. There were a lot of issues at work and I was troubled... still the holiday mood helps to cheer me up.
I stopped work at 4pm and set off to take the kids. We parked our car at my bil's place and took MRT and taxi to Golden Mile Complex. We were there before 6pm and decided to have a taste of Thai dessert.. Bad choice. The desserts were too sweet and nearly make me puke.. :S We waited at the lounge area in Transtar office.. they were renovating and the smell of paint was really strong.. *puke* Still, it was very comfortable and Denver gets to drink his Milo. :) Brother and Hj finally reached and the kids are so happy to see them.
After we crossed the checkpoint, we are all set for Dinner and Movie :) The down side is it's hard to 'contain' Gladys on the bus..especially when the meal is served.. She "Mum Mum" all the time and you can't stop her hands from grabbing stuff.. messy... I had a hard time watching the show too.. Finally got some peace as soon as she falls asleep.. :D Managed to watch parts of Ratatouille and 881. Did not managed to complete 881 though.. but that's ok. We reached KL around midnight.. Got off the bus first and Hj's father and brother were already waiting at the petrol station ready to take us to their home for the next 3 nights stay.
We had breakfast at a nearby coffeeshop and our first stop is Sunway Pyramid! Hj borrowed her brother's car to take us around for the next few days.. Barry gets to drive around while Hj gave direction.. It's a shame that Denver had a bad injury on his head and we have to skip Sunway Lagoon.. Ah well.. maybe next time.. Although they can't play with the water, they get to see toys, had fun with the playground, had nice food and Denver took a picture with Batman.
** 8th June 2008 **
It's Sunday and its Duan Wu Jie (Dumpling Festival)! This year, I don't feel the mood though.. maybe it's because I in KL?? Or was it because I did not have any traditional dumpling yet? Anyway, we had Roti Prata for breakfast! I had Onion Egg Prata and Teh Tarik.. Cheap cheap and Nice nice!
We headed for Titiwangsa Lake Garden. In Singapore, there is Singapore Flyer.. In KL, there is "Eye on Malaysia" - 60 metre tall portable Ferris wheel. We all took a ride and had a good eye's view of KL and Genting. There was a food fair there too and we had a couple of 'snacks' and drinks along the way.. Tried the Keropok, Chendol, Fries, Otah, Tea... and bought a urmm a snack where Maggie mee is fried and covered with 'prata-like' skin..(wonder what's that call)..
There is also a horse ranch nearby but we missed the opening hours for the horse rides.. Denver was kinda disappointed and wanted to ride on a horse.. So we decided to shop at a nearby mall first. The kids had fun at the arcade and we had a light lunch at Oldtown coffeeshop. I like the Ipoh Hor Fun.. the food is not too expensive too.
We went back to the horse ranch around 4 plus. ... after getting the tickets, Denver queued for the horse ride.. he was so excited.. :) Denver get to ride on the horse for 2 rounds (apparently its a ticket for each round) and we went to queue up for the horse carriage ride shortly. Denver gets to sit at the front and the uncle was nice enough to let him hold the horse strap to guide the horse. He had fun.. Gladys was sleepy all the way and I think she doesn't know what's going on.. I had to wake her up so she is awaken while we ride on the carriage...
We were all tired and dirty... time to go back for a bath and we can get ready for dinner! We decided to give Hj's parents a treat to thank them for being so nice and letting us feel warm at home. After dinner, we shop around at Summit shopping mall and manage to get Gladys a pair of shoe. We also bought Denver some stickers too.. Time is getting late and we headed back to pack our luggage as tomorrow we will be leaving to stay at Corus hotel for the next 2 nights..