Wow! I'm so excited! I got a creative blogger award from Xazmin. How fun is that?
Thank you Xazmin!
Better yet, I get to bestow the award on 7 other people and their creative blogs. I know SO many creative bloggers. Who to choose???
Here are the award rules: List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love! Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won! You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole world know.....you are KREATIV!
Seven things I love:
1. My family
2. All of my friends
3. Food (making it and eating it)
4. Paper Crafting
5. Sewing
6. Purses
7. Being a mom
OK... now my awards go to
1) Anna Maria - I could look at her fabrics and cute stuff all day!
2) All of the girls at Apron Girls . I especially love the little girl dress made out of the valence!
3) Heather Bailey -Her style is pristine! Nice patterns and tutorials for those who like to sew!
4) Cathe Holden - Lots of eye candy! Love her prom dress bottles!
6) Amy has awesome handsewn stuff!
7) Craftpudding has such cute stuff that I want to eat it up. Especially her rubberstamps!