I know it is really too early for Spring decor, let alone Easter, but I'm already decorating with some of my Easter stuff. I'm ready for some pretty Spring colors and I'm using them! I'm also really into pie racks, cake plates and plate racks right now. I love cake domes and all things on pedestals! Here are a few of the things that make me think Spring is coming!
In the top picture, I created a bird's nest using some pretty tissue paper that came with a purchase from a boutique here in town. I loved the paper so much I wanted it to be part of my every day life. (I know... pathetic) I ripped it and twisted it into little ropes and intertwined the ropes to create a little bird's nest which I then put into a vintage candy bowl.
I will soon get out the other Spring decorations, but for now, my pretty table and countertops will remind me that Spring is on its way! If you want to see more Spring decor, check out Southern Hospitality. There is a whole Spring Fluff Blog party going on over there!