Most of the little bushes you see here on the right... yeah... they're weeds.

These bushes below have gotten really big, so I guess they need some
serious maintenance. They almost completely block the front door.

The brown you see on the left is where the deer ate all of our
ground cover last winter. Not sure what to do there. It is almost
an evergreen shrub and they ate it. It was fun seeing them right
outside of the window though.

The daisys have taken over!

This is to the side of one of our garages. There is a small flower garden where I've tossed some wild flower seeds and there are quite a few bulbs that come up in this area. There is a large maple tree and then this light green tree in the front.

Another of my issues.... the lawn goes to the edge of the forest and then there are lots and lots of weeds that get really tall and lanky. What DO other people do about these? They seem like an eye sore to me, but maybe it is just nature and I should leave it alone? It is a lot of work to weed whack them all! Can anyone tell me what they do in this instance?

This is the kids' play yard and the forest beside it. The fence is the side fence of the pool.
I thought you could tell better, but there are some nice plants that grow along there in differing shades of greens and reds. (Sorry... bad picture)

This is the bench that I want to spray paint. It will happen one of these days and you know I will be blogging the outcome!

Oh... and this is the other side of the poolhouse. The deer ate this ground cover like crazy this winter and it seems to have killed it. Now what????

This is the top of the driveway. Another place where the weeds get out of control along the forest. You can't mow over there because it isn't wide enough, but it is a huge area to weed.

This is the top of the driveway. This is a good area to see how the landscapers put in reds and yellows and greens in layers.