A Purse I Made and the Olympics

I'm amazed at the Olympics this year. Is it me, or are the speeds out of control? I worry for these people's moms. I can't imagine the first time my kids show me that they can do a half-pipe.
I think I'll ground them.

A word of advice.... if you find yourself hurling yourself through space, you should STOP.

Anyway, here's the purse I worked on last week. It is finally all done. Covered buttons and all.
I didn't have a pattern or directions. I just faked my way through it and I think it turned out pretty well. I've already had people say that they want one too. :-)

If you click on the picture, it should open larger to show more detail.

Speaking of crazy stunts.... Ahem... who do I ground? The one on top or his brother and Dad?
I need to nip this behavior in the bud! LOL!
Smarty pants!
