I believe it is only about 3/4 a mile.
This time of year the river is fairly dry. I had never seen it like this. You could literally walk in the riverbed which, by the way, is a huge slab of dry rock. It is really pretty cool. I, naturally, had to take the opportunity to take my Cannon SLR and take some pics. Too bad the blog columns cut off my pictures. So annoying. Oh well, you can see the whole picture if you get email from my blog or you click on the picture to open it completely.
This is the riverbed. Why isn't it muddy or dirty?
Again, the riverbed. Looks like camoflauge....G. barely shows up.
Note my older son's went pants and change of shirt. Yes, he jumped on a slippery rock and fell right in the water... naturally... no change of clothing with us. He is wearing his dad's sweater..
Love the fake smiles in this one. LOL! They're like, "Ok, Mom... if we smile, will you stop?"
After the hike, we crossed the road and played on the playground by the lake.

Love this picture by the water.... so peaceful...
And this is a fav too... too bad he was pooped on by a seagull just moments later. He was a good sport about it though.
If you ever get a chance to go to Ithaca, I suggest you go. They don't say "Ithaca is Gorge-ous" for no reason. It is a pretty town, lake and surrounded by gorges and Cornell is there, so it has all the fun stuff of a college town too. We had Thai food and Starbucks before we went home, but not before going to Old Navy and buying both boys new clothing because they were wet and bird-poopy. Thank goodness for clearance racks!