tips for beginner backpacker

note : agan meaning guy
.Backpacker Tips Being Single is based on the experience I have gained
when becoming a team or single backpacker backpacker ....

quite a lot indeed but I suppose it was to be considered in making the trip.

So, lets check this out:

1. confirm whether agan really want to make this trip alone

2. Also make sure if the place will go agan is a relatively safe place and not in conflict

3. search as much information about tourist destinations agan, at least to make it easier to enjoy your tour agan this ..

4. do travel through the night to save on rental accommodation and in the morning agan can travel much as you like all day.

5. bring supplies of food that can delay the hungry such as bread or chocolate to taste, this is to avoid starvation when in transit bus / train where there are no sellers of food or when agan in emergency situations.

6. bring enough money (no exaggeration) in the form of cash as a precaution when traveling did not find atm on agan.

7. agan place the money in a safe place and (if possible) on the separate place to avoid undesirable things such as theft.

8. do not forget to bring a camera to immortalize the journey agan.

9. take medication as a precaution. agan take drugs that need to include: anti-cold medicine, flu medicine, headache medicine, eucalyptus oil, muscle cramps drug / sprain (Counterpain), plaster, drug allergies (if any) and anti-drunk on his way.

10. please bring enough clothes and do not forget to bring a jacket and a small towel and special clothing if agan bercuaca go to extreme places.

11. bring a large plastic bag for dirty clothes agan so not mixed with clean clothes and a small plastic bag to berjaga2 if agan vomiting in travel.

12. Do not forget to bring communications tools as well as his charger can still be contacted in order agan / contact with family or co-agan.

13. make sure that the bag will agan use in good condition.

14. bring yarn and needles for berjaga2 sewing clothes or bags when there is a tear in transit agan.

15. location map that will bring your visit agan. GPS may be helpful (if have)

16. Do not forget to bring toiletries and sufficiently small in size.

17. Avoid eating snacks or buy the goods we need in the way, would we better take him alone to save expenditure.

18. ask the price first when eating to avoid a price that "shot" the seller.

19. do not ask people who do not reassure like scalpers, ask an official at the terminal or station personnel.

20. use comfortable footwear for use in a long time like a slipper or a shoe mount.

21. drink vit. C to maintain body condition vit agan to stay during the trip

22. agan ..... enjoy the journey if you have not able to single, able to exercise with a group two or more people.