Travel accessories 11 strangest ever

1. Mosquito Repeller

Mosquito is one of the intruders when we have vacation fun. Maybe we've ever tried to use candles, sprays and lotions to, but now it's time to use a secret weapon. Tie this gadget on your waist and mosquitoes with a maximum radius of 15 inches will cabcuss

.2. Portable Bidet.

for cleaning sensitifition area

.3. UV Disinfection Light Scanner.

Nano-UV Disinfection Light Scanner Zadro Products made by this could eradicate 99.99% of bacteria, fungi and viruses just within the shortest possible

.4. Shopping Cart Camper

.5. Fries and Things Cupholder.

.This gadget is designed to hold the "fries" .

6. Power Shelf

7. Travel Folding Footrest

8. Aquabell Sets.

9. Skyrest Travel Pillow
.10. Luggage Drink Holder


.Much to do when we travel, the more so if we just go alone. Our hands will be full, if we also brought the drinks. Luggage Drink Holder is the solution, agan drinks will be firmly attached to the handle of a suitcase

11. Ultra Mini Air Supply

.gadget serves to reduce air pollutants such as dust, smoke, pollen from the flowers, the smells and kills bacteria and viruses in the air.