I made some digital cupcake wrappers and printed them up. I then used some Lego Mini-figure stickers on them. Fun, striped candles and bright colors around the table brought the birthday party to life. The cupcakes are brownies with whipped icing on top. I also added some colorful sprinkles to the top. You can get the wrappers to print below.
To use these, right-click on the picture and choose "Print Picture"
I also made some mini-figure head lollipops using marshmallows with the smaller marshmallows on the top dipped in yellow chocolate melts. I then drew some faces on them with black icing. The tutorial is at the bottom of this post.

LEGO Mini-figure Pops - A Quick Tutorial
These are pretty easy to make and you can probably figure out how to make them, but I did learn a few things that may help you in trying them. Here's what they look like...
Here's what you need. Another thing that I didn't show here is a piece of floral foam. It really makes it easy to make these! See the pictures below. You can poke the sticks into the floral foam to hold them while they dry and while you draw the faces on.
Here's what you need. I used strawberry, but you can use any flavor marshmallows.
Large-sized marshmallows (not those HUGE ones)
Mini marshmallows
1 tbsp shortening
Lollipop sticks
A tall glass
Yellow food coloring (not paste)
White candy melts (or yellow if you can find them)
Floral foam or Styrofoam block
Black icing (you can buy this in the birthday cake section of your grocery store, or make your own. My recipe is HERE.)

Step one: Put the candy melts in the tall glass. You can fill it to the top... it will melt down. Add 1 tbsp of shortiening in the glass too. Put the glass in the microwave and melt for 1 minute. Stir. Melt again, one minute at a time until mostly melted. Stir between meltings. Next, add a drop of yellow food coloring and stir. Add as much as necessary until you get the correct color.
Step two: Put the larger marshmallows on the sticks. Dip the mini-marshmallows in the melted chocolate and stick to the top of the large marshmallow. Like this....
Step 3: Dip each lollipop into the glass of melted chocolate. Tap the stick on the top edge of the glass until there is no excess chocolate on the lollipop. Messy, but fun!
Step 4: Stick the sticks into the floral foam. Once they are dry, stick them into the side of the floral foam like this... This way the faces won't run while the icing dries. Be careful though. If you stick more on one side, it will flip over, so put the lollipops on the other side the whole way around.
Here are some other cool items to use for your LEGO party. I love the candles the ice cube trays and wish I had found them before my party!