Bohemian Carnival, Prague, Czech

The Czech capital Prague is located on the Vltava River in central Bohemia. Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic.
Vltava River, Prague

In the charming of February it is time to put  your mask on and your imaginary dress up and take part in the Czech carnival! Don't fret if you don't have any such fineries, you will be able to rent a fantasy party dress and mask, addition you are able to have your makeup done at the carnival.

And who would not like to parade up and down the winding cobblestone paths of Praha appearing like an eccentric Venetian? The city of Prague is perfect for such fun, especially at night.
Bohemian Carnival, Prague

Prague returns to its Bohemian roots by resurrecting its 700-year-old Carnival tradition. Historically, this celebration was the "feast" before the "famine" of Catholic Lent-a period when believers go without meat for 40 days ( Crane-vale literally mean "farewell to meat").
Bohemian Carnival, Prague

During Renaissance times the Prague carnival celebrations became notorious throughout Europe. There then followed a long dark age for merriment, but the carnival is now back with all the parties parades and galas you would expect from this Bohemian capital.
Bohemian Carnival, Prague

Expect main squares to be transformed with a flurry of masks and parades while the palaces and mansions host luxurious private parties and balls. Prague's restaurants and art galleries join the fun by offering special carnival menus and exhibitions. Daytime activities offer plenty to keep the kinds entertained as well. You can find a full program of festivities on the Bohemian Carnival website:
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