Global Language Network Class Registration

Class registration for the Global Language Network (GLN) starts Thursday January, 20th in the evening and ends Saturday January, 22nd.

Language classes being offered include: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Urdu

Due to the high number of registrants, the GLN website will experience heavy traffic and might be temporarily unavailable. If that happens, try again later: you may submit you request anytime on Friday or Saturday. Due to a high number of applicants,GLN selects its students by drawing a lottery. All applications submitted on Friday and Saturday will be included in the lottery.

  • January 20-22: Class Registration
  • January 23-24: Students will receive an automated status alert
  • January 25: Registered students must place a class deposit by 10 am
  • January 28: Registration will officially close for classes that might have available spots after the registration period
  • $150 refundable deposit to secure registered spot
  • Deposit will be released at the end of the semester provided that the student attend at least 75% of classes (traditionally 9 out of 12)
  • Note that there is a $25 processing fee that covers the costs of space rentals and other administrative expenses

See the GLN website at: