4th Korea-America Student Conference

This is a chance for an awesome culture and career filled summer!

Join 50 other students from the U.S. and Korea for a month of cultural exchange, travel and fun!

Meet leaders and students that will improve your career network in this unique student-led cultural and academic exchange, which will host its 4th annual program next summer in Korea. Students will discuss their research on topics of bilateral and global interest and enjoy prominent speakers in the month-long conference.

The theme for the 4th Korea-America Student Conference held July 2 - 31, 2011, will be “Beyond Boundaries.”

2011 KASC Sites:
Pukyong National University, Busan
Jeju National University, Jeju
Chonnam National University, Gwangju
Ewha Womans University, Seoul

This year’s Roundtable topics include:
-Your Health, Your World: A New Approach toward the Future
-Mission 2012: Examining the Future of U.S.-Korea Relations

-Human Rights: Interpretation and Applications in the 21st Century

-Eco-Technology: Challenging Present Circumstances While Pioneering Future Opportunities
-Arts and Entertainment: The Emerging Bridge between Korea and the U.S.

Although many participants will be Asian Studies and East Asian Studies majors, this is not a requirement. All types of students from any field and level of study are welcome at the conference. Knowledge of the Korean language is not required.

For applications or more information, please visit: www.iscdc.org or e-mail kasc@iscdc.org .

KASC is a program of International Student Conferences, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peace by furthering mutual understanding, friendship, and trust through international student interchange.

The deadline is March 7, 2011.