University of llinois/Indiana National Dissertation Workshop: “Chinese Law, Conflict, and Society”-Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply

Illinois/Indiana National Dissertation Workshop: “Chinese Law, Conflict, and Society”

Indiana University Bloomington, July 20-21, 2011.

The Illinois/Indiana East Asia National Resource Center Consortium (IL/IN East Asia NRC) is pleased to announce its fifth annual IL/IN National Dissertation Workshop in the field of Chinese law, conflict, and society. The workshop will be held July 20-21, 2011 on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington. Doctoral students in the humanities, social sciences, and law whose dissertation projects concern Chinese law and social, political, or cultural conflicts in modern and contemporary China are invited to apply. Areas of interest include anthropology, history, legal studies, political science, and sociology, among others. The workshop is designed to enable students just beginning work on their dissertations, as well as those farther along, to engage in intensive discussions of their own and each other’s projects. Possibilities for continuing networks among interested students and faculty will also be explored. The workshop will be limited to eight participants, and the cost of the workshop, some meals, and two nights’ lodging will be covered by the IL/IN East Asia NRC.

Faculty leaders: The workshop will be led by Ho-fung Hung, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Indiana University Bloomington; Klaus Mühlhahn, Professor in the Departments of History and of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University Bloomington; and SHAO Dan, Assistant Professor in the Departments of East Asian Languages and Cultures and of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Eligibility and application: Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a doctoral program and must have drafted a dissertation research proposal, although they need not have advanced to candidacy. Those in the early phases of writing are also encouraged to apply. In order to prepare the ground for a productive exchange, participants must come to the workshop having read and prepared comments on the other participants’ writing samples.

The application deadline is March 14, 2011. Application materials consist of two items: (1) a current CV and (2) a 4-6-page double-spaced dissertation proposal (including a description of the specific issues being addressed, the intellectual approach, and the materials being studied). Applications should be submitted by e-mail attachment to Applicants will be informed whether or not they have been selected for the workshop by late April.