More from Day 3 - Cabrillo and the Tide Pools

My husband and I were married on the wedding bluff overlooking the ocean, near the lighthouse on Point Loma.  This is the view from the lookout patio.  Isn't it amazing?  You can watch the ships come in and often see submarines from here!
 My two "MEN"...
 We ventured down to the tidepool area which is where our wedding photos were taken.
And now for a few creatures!

 Ah... here is a picture that reenacted one of our wedding photos. The sun in our eyes didn't really help.  Although sunny, it was CHILLY this morning!
These are the only two pictures I have on my computer from our wedding, but here we were...
Ah... like only yesterday!

We have a picture of Jeff sitting on this rock...

  We also have a picture of Jeff and me walking down this path.  17-years later.... our boys on the same path...