Liberia Country

Chains of unrest fetter seductive shores and resplendent rainforests. With the country recovering from years of savage civil war, travel to Liberia still poses more personal safety risks than it's worth.

Destination Facts
Capital: Monrovia
President: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Government: republic
Time zone: GMT +0
Area: 111370
Population: 3317176
Languages: indigenous beliefs (30%), Christian (50%), Muslim (20%)
Currency: Liberian Dollar ($)
Weight System: Imperial
Country Dialing Code: 231

Getting there
The best time to visit Liberia is during the dry season, between November and April. Weasua Air Transport offers reliable connections to Monrovia from Abidjan (C ô te d'Ivoire), Accra (Ghana) and Freetown (Sierra Leone). Slok Air International flies between Monrovia, with Dakar via Freetown and Banjul, and Monrovia and Accra. Bellview Airlines flies to/from Lagos via Accra and Abidjan. From outside Africa, there's SN Brussels Airline between Monrovia and Brussels. If travelling overland, the main crossing with Sierra Leone is at Bo (Waterside), with frequent public transport on both sides. There's also a border post to the north at Kongo and one northwest of Kolahun, (currently closed). For Guinea, there are border posts just north of Voinjama, Ganta and Yekepa. There's frequent transport on the other side to towns in Guinea. Border crossings with C ô te d'Ivoire are just beyond Sanniquellie and east of Harper, towards Tabou. Cargo boats occasionally make the two-day run between Conakry (Guinea) and Monrovia (enquire at Freeport, Monrovia) and fishing boats run sporadically between Harper and San P é dro (C ô te d'Ivoire).

Getting around
Weasua Air Transport offers air charters, but bush taxis are the backbone of Liberia's transport system, with daily departures from Monrovia to the Sierra Leonean border and major towns around the country. Smaller destinations generally have a couple of departures per week. Apart from a few sealed stretches, such as the ones from Monrovia to the Sierra Leonean border, Ganta, Tubmanburg and Buchanan, road conditions are generally bad and many routes are impassable in the rainy season. For the adventurous, fishing boats or cargo ships can shift you along the coast, but other than a couple of semi-regular services it's a matter of hanging out at the Freeport in Monrovia and hoping for the best.

Visas must be arranged in advance and are valid for 30 days. After arrival in Monrovia, report to the Bureau of Immigration (Broad St) within 48 hours for a visitor's permit (25.00) that actually determines your length of stay. Visa extensions are also available from the Bureau of Immigration.

Perched on the chin of West Africa's coast just above the equator, Liberia has a tropical climate with a pronounced rainy season from May to November. There is little seasonal variation with temperatures usually averaging around 30 ° C (86 ° F) between November and May, and only a few degrees lower in the middle of the year. However, humidity levels of more than 85% in the dry season (November to April) and more than 90% in the rainy season (May to October) often make it feel much warmer.

The mess that is Liberia's civil war seems to be on the mend but a full recovery will be a long time in the making. While elections and a new president have provided hope for continued stability, the security situation remains fragile. Crime is prevalent and potentially violent. Travellers should exercise high levels of caution at all times. Avoid non-essential travel outside Monrovia. With the country recovering from years of savage civil war, travel to Liberia still poses more personal safety risks than it's worth.