Capital of the state of Johor, Johor Bahru (popularly called JB) is the southern gateway to Peninsular Malaysia, connected to Singapore by road and rail across a 1038m-long Causeway. JB inevitably suffers from comparisons with its successful, plutocratic southern neighbour.
Historical significance and pockets of interest aside, few foreign travellers linger in JB, and the city is largely a transit point for those on the way to more exotic destinations. On the practical side, flying into or out of JB rather than using Singapore as a regional transport hub can net big savings on tickets. On weekends and public holidays, Singaporeans flock across the Causeway for shopping and excitement. Central JB exudes a seedy border-town feel, but a government crackdown on JB's fleshpot reputation, coupled with a spiralling crime rate (including bag-snatching and car theft) have sent male Singaporeans elsewhere for their paid pleasures.
Places of Interest
Capital of the state of Johor, Johor Bahru (popularly called JB) is the southern gateway to Peninsular Malaysia, connected to Singapore by road and rail across a 1038m-long Causeway. JB inevitably suffers from comparisons with its successful, plutocratic southern neighbour. Historical significance and pockets of interest aside, few foreign travellers linger in JB, and the city is largely a transit point for those on the way to more exotic destinations. On the practical side, flying into or out of JB rather than using Singapore as a regional transport hub can net big savings on tickets. On weekends and public holidays, Singaporeans flock across the Causeway for shopping and excitement. Central JB exudes a seedy border-town feel, but a government crackdown on JB's fleshpot reputation, coupled with a spiralling crime rate (including bag-snatching and car theft) have sent male Singaporeans elsewhere for their paid pleasures.
Name: Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque
Address: Selat Johor Area Jln Ibrahim
West of Muzium Diraja Abu Bakar is the most attractive part of Johor Bahru, the old colonial/royal district of greenery and fine buildings. Under construction from 1892 to 1900, the magnificent Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque is a mixture of architectural styles (principally Victorian). The minarets resemble British clock towers, and the abiding impression is that of a colonial administrative building.
Name: Muzium Diraja Abu Bakar
Address: own Centre Jln Ibrahim
Telefax: 07 223 0555
Once the Johor royal family's principle palace, the marvellous Istana Besar was built in Victorian style by Anglophile sultan Abu Bakar in 1866, and is open to the public as the Muzium Diraja Abu Bakar - the admission fee is also payable in ringgit (at a bad exchange rate).
Name: Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim
Address: State Secretariat Bldg Town Centre Bukit Timbalan
Sitting magnificently atop Bukit Timbalan, designed by Palmer & Turner architects, the imposing Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim is a mighty melange of colonial pomp, Islamic motifs and indigenous design. Completed in 1942, the city landmark was employed as a fortress by the Japanese as they prepared to attack Singapore.

Capital of the state of Johor, Johor Bahru (popularly called JB) is the southern gateway to Peninsular Malaysia, connected to Singapore by road and rail across a 1038m-long Causeway. JB inevitably suffers from comparisons with its successful, plutocratic southern neighbour.
Historical significance and pockets of interest aside, few foreign travellers linger in JB, and the city is largely a transit point for those on the way to more exotic destinations. On the practical side, flying into or out of JB rather than using Singapore as a regional transport hub can net big savings on tickets. On weekends and public holidays, Singaporeans flock across the Causeway for shopping and excitement. Central JB exudes a seedy border-town feel, but a government crackdown on JB's fleshpot reputation, coupled with a spiralling crime rate (including bag-snatching and car theft) have sent male Singaporeans elsewhere for their paid pleasures.
Places of Interest
Capital of the state of Johor, Johor Bahru (popularly called JB) is the southern gateway to Peninsular Malaysia, connected to Singapore by road and rail across a 1038m-long Causeway. JB inevitably suffers from comparisons with its successful, plutocratic southern neighbour. Historical significance and pockets of interest aside, few foreign travellers linger in JB, and the city is largely a transit point for those on the way to more exotic destinations. On the practical side, flying into or out of JB rather than using Singapore as a regional transport hub can net big savings on tickets. On weekends and public holidays, Singaporeans flock across the Causeway for shopping and excitement. Central JB exudes a seedy border-town feel, but a government crackdown on JB's fleshpot reputation, coupled with a spiralling crime rate (including bag-snatching and car theft) have sent male Singaporeans elsewhere for their paid pleasures.
Name: Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque
Address: Selat Johor Area Jln Ibrahim
West of Muzium Diraja Abu Bakar is the most attractive part of Johor Bahru, the old colonial/royal district of greenery and fine buildings. Under construction from 1892 to 1900, the magnificent Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque is a mixture of architectural styles (principally Victorian). The minarets resemble British clock towers, and the abiding impression is that of a colonial administrative building.
Address: own Centre Jln Ibrahim
Telefax: 07 223 0555
Once the Johor royal family's principle palace, the marvellous Istana Besar was built in Victorian style by Anglophile sultan Abu Bakar in 1866, and is open to the public as the Muzium Diraja Abu Bakar - the admission fee is also payable in ringgit (at a bad exchange rate).
Name: Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim
Address: State Secretariat Bldg Town Centre Bukit Timbalan
Sitting magnificently atop Bukit Timbalan, designed by Palmer & Turner architects, the imposing Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim is a mighty melange of colonial pomp, Islamic motifs and indigenous design. Completed in 1942, the city landmark was employed as a fortress by the Japanese as they prepared to attack Singapore.