Blakemore Language Grants for Advanced Study of Asian Languages

Below please find a language study opportunity that might be of interest to graduate students who are pursuing study of a modern Asian language (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer or Burmese).

Blakemore Language Grants for Advanced Study of Asian Languages
The Blakemore Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2012 Blakemore Freeman Fellowships and Blakemore Refresher Grants.

Blakemore language grants are awarded to individuals pursuing academic, business or other professional careers (e.g. science, medicine, law, engineering, journalism, the fine arts, public service) who would benefit from improved fluency in an East or Southeast Asian language.

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships fund a year of advanced language study at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama (IUC), the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing (IUP), the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University in Taipei (ICLP), and similar programs in other countries of East and SE Asia. Where there is no structured advanced-level language program at an educational institution in the country, the grant may provide for the financing of private tutorials under terms set forth in the application instructions.

Blakemore Refresher Grants are shorter-term language grants restricted to former Blakemore Fellows, college professors, post-doctoral professionals and graduates of the academic year programs at the IUC, the IUP and the ICLP.

The grants cover tuition and a stipend for related educational expenses, basic living costs and transportation, but do not include dependent expenses.

For application forms and further information see


  • Pursuing academic, professional or business career that involves the regular use of a modern Asian language
  • Have a college undergraduate degree
  • At or near an advanced level in the language as defined in the Grant Guidelines
  • Able to devote oneself exclusively to the language study during the term of the grant; grants are not intended for part-time study or research
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States

Selection Criteria
Grants are highly competitive. Last year we were able to offer funding to less than 9% of applicants. Applicants will be judged on having:

  • focused, well-defined career objective involving Asia in which use of the language is an important aspect
  • potential to make a significant contribution to a field of study or area of
  • professional or business activity in an Asian country
  • prior experience in the country or involvement or participation in activities related to the country
  • good academic, professional or business background, appropriate to the career program

Deadline for Applications Grants Awarded
Postmarked by December 30, 2011 · Late March/early April 2012

Blakemore Foundation
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4800, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206.359.8778 or