The moment you arrive in the Golden State, you may suspect you’ve been cast as the ingenue in a road-trip movie. Everything seems staged for a script riddled with exclamation points: no way are they going to surf those skyscraper-sized waves at Mavericks! That can’t be the Terminator in the governor’s mansion –
in his second term! Brrrrrrr...don’t all those naked people ever get cold?!

Even if you’ve seen it on TV, California still comes as a shock to the system. The Venice Beach's skateboarders,
San Francisco's same-sex-wedding planners,
Santa Cruz's wild-mushroom hunters, Rodeo Dr-pillaging trophy wives and cheerful
San Diego's doomsday cult members aren’t on different channels. They live here.Unless you want to stir up old NorCal/SoCal rivalries dating from the 19th century – a diverting local pastime when played with good sports – don’t get Californians started about water. NorCal scolds SoCal for watering its lawns and filling its pools with water piped in from the Sierras, while SoCal points out that NorCal shouldn’t talk with its mouth full of organic veggies grown in the Sierras-irrigated
Central Valley.
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