Provence. A voyage to Provence, France - Arles, Avignon, Baux de Provence, Marseille, Roussillon, Saint-Rémy, Saint Tropez...

There is no more sun- and celebrity-rich part of southern France than this iconic wedge of glittering coast, mountain retreat, Roman temple and gastronomic art de vivre.
So prepare for heart-and-soul seduction. Travelling à la Provençal means sensual sauntering past scented lavender fields and chestnut forests; through fresh apple-green vineyards and silvery olive groves; around markets, Matisse-designed chapels and medieval hilltop villages impossibly perched on rocky crags. Be it with two wheels or four – on the back of a bicycle or with roof rolled back in a vintage Citroën 2CV – no region better begs lazy days out, interrupted only by copious alfresco lunches.

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