Student Profile: Kalisha Holmes

Kalisha at the Great Wall of China in 2011
Kalisha Holmes will graduate from the Elliott School this May with a B.A. in International Affairs. She has been selected as a 2012 Elliott School Distinguished Scholar.

Kalisha began studying Chinese during her sophomore year. In 2011, the Sigur Center sponsored her to go to Beijing as a Summer Language Fellow for six weeks. She notes, "Without the Sigur Center, I would not have been able to spend six weeks in Beijing learning Chinese."

Kalisha is also a Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellow, and she will be interning the the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs at the State Department this summer. This fall, she will enrolling in the public policy program at Harvard University.

As a peer advisor at the Elliott School, she "always refers people to the Sigur Center for all things Asia." In addition, "the Sigur Center has been a great resource for me and has enabled me to attend important talks and lectures while also connecting with students who share my interests."

Quotes from this blog post were taken from an interview with Kalisha at the Sigur Center in May 2012.