Summer 2013 Short-Term Study Abroad Course: IAFF- 6188 Politics of Growth and Development in India

New Summer 2013 Short-Term Study Abroad Course:  IAFF- 6188 Politics of Growth and Development in India (May 26, 2012 - June 8, 2012)
Emmanuel Teitelbaum, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs 

Increasingly, South Asia is one of the most economically vibrant and important regions in the world. This course will explore the political economy of South Asian development by harnessing intra- and cross-regional comparisons to explore of four key issue areas: democratic development; agrarian political economy; the political economy of labor; and economic reform. The course will take place in Bangalore, India. Part of the course will be seminar based, but much of the course will involve interactions with high profile guest speakers and field visits, including a four day trip to rural India. 

Bangalore is the capital city of Karnataka, one of India's fastest growing states. Karnataka has a large and diverse economy and for many years it has witnessed tremendous growth across a variety of sectors. Through comparisons with the rest of India, this course will explore how Karnataka has achieved its high growth rates, and will provide students with exposure to employment and investment opportunities in Karnataka's private, non-profit and government sectors.

The course is open to M.A. Asian Studies students and advanced undergraduates and will run from May 26, 2012 to June 8,2012. If you think you might be interested in applying, please contact Professor Teitelbuam ( or the GWU Office for Study Abroad.