Welcome to Time Travel Ireland

Hi and welcome to Time Travel Ireland. On this blog I'll be looking at Ireland's incredible history through its places, discussing Irish myths and legends and looking at what the visitor experience is like at Irish heritage sites today.

St. Patrick's Well, Clonmel Co. Tipperary

Ireland has an amazing wealth of stunning historical sites. Some are particularly well known and visited such as Newgrange in Co. Meath or the Rock of Cashel in Co. Tipperary, others are equally as fascinating but are part of the 'Hidden Ireland', and only visited by the dauntless adventurers who have done their homework, sites like St. Patrick's Well in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, or Kells Priory in Co. Kilkenny.

Kells Priory, Co.Kilkenny

We aim to bring some of these incredible places to light, discussing both the history of the sites and the practicalities on how to get there. I'd love to hear from you too, let us know what your favourite Irish heritage sites are and send in your tips and tricks to make sure that everyone knows about the incredible places that you discovered in Ireland. We will have a monthly photography competition too where you can win an audioguide from Abarta Audioguides. All you have to do to enter is send in your favourite photo you have taken of an Irish historical or cultural site to info@abartaaudioguides.com

If you have any questions about Irish history or if you need any advice about where to go then drop us a comment and we'll do our best to answer.

I hope you enjoy this blog, if you do please tell your friends!