2013-2014 Chinese Government Scholarship Programme

Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes are established by the Ministry of Education of China (hereinafter referred to as MoE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars.  MoE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine managements of Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes.

The Chinese Embassy is delighted to announce that the 2013-2014 Chinese Government Scholarship Programme has started its application process. The Application information can be found via the website http://www.sino-education.org/english/studychinese.htm The deadline for application is April 30, 2013. For furthur information or questions, please feel free to contact Zhang Jin (zhangjin@sino-education.org) or Mr. Lui Jiangyi (jiangyiliu@yahoo.com.cn)