Filmmaker Set To Sail The Pacific In Search Of Adventure And "Guapo"

I have to admit, I have a soft spot for expeditions that plan to set off in search of nebulous adventures. The kind that don't have a lot of concrete goals per se, but are just looking for adventure in what ever form it arrives. That happens to be exactly what three filmmakers have in mind when they launch their "Finding Guapo" voyage later this year. The team is setting off to shoot a documentary on what they say will be "about life, adventure, nature, sailing, diving, freedom, but mostly about madness."

The men will be joined on this voyage by a mysterious adventurer who is simply named "Guapo." I don't know a lot about Guapo, but from what I have heard, he sounds a bit like he Dos Equis Most Interesting Man In the World.  In addition to being both a scuba and sky diving instructor, he is also a mountaineer who has climbed the big mountains of the Americas. A few years ago he also sailed solo from New York to New Caledonia, a tiny island located in the South Pacific, which he ended up making his home. In short, he is a free-spirited adventurer who goes where his wanderings take him.

It turns out, Guapo was planning on being in Mexico for a short time later this year and our intrepid filmmakers at KRAKEN decided they wanted to make this documentary with him during which they would be sailing across the Pacific Ocean. The current plan is for them to set sail for Australia, but as you'll see in the video below, those plans are in flux. They four men are going to see where their whims, and the tides of the Pacific, take them as they go looking for the adventure of a lifetime in the hopes of making a film about their travels.

To help fund this endeavor the men have set up an Indegogo campaign. They hope to raise $15,000 towards creating the project, although they're off to a bit of a slow start at the moment. With nearly a month to go however, they'll hopefully reach their goals.

Good luck to Guapo and the rest of the crew!

Finding Guapo - Indiegogo from Kraken Productora Tentacular on Vimeo.