~ Our collection of CNY activities - Day 1 to 3 ~

Day 1 - First day of CNY is usually packed with the most visiting. We woke up early in the morning despite staying up really late the other night.After dressing up, we are ready to set off! I love our family's Day 1 dress code. All RED like red packets. It was also the first time Gladys wearing a Cheongsam.

Every year without fail, our first stop is going to my inlaws' place to 拜年, and have our breakfast. We will then drop by PUAT JIT BUDDHIST TEMPLE (般若念佛堂) to pray for good health and year.

Apart from prayers, Chinese New Year is all about visiting relatives, friends and indulging in CNY goodies. Since we have welcomed the Year of the Snake, its interesting, appropriate and fun to play a game of Snake & Ladder.

Back in the car, Denver & Gladys were happily singing their favourite CNY songs and we also took photos while travelling. The kiddos were enjoying their long weekend!

Day 2 - Our mornings are usually occupied with visiting the temples on 大年初二. To ensure a smooth sailing year, we always pray to the dedicated deities and 太岁.

韭菜芭城隍庙 (Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong temple) is a popular taoist temple with a long history and also our children's 'playground' for many years. 

We can easily spent the entire hour here praying, while the kids skipped along to 'play' after they finished their prayers. Taking photos with our Zodiac sign is a not to be missed even though Hubby says it looked the same every year. :p

Crossing through the coin and sitting on the horse are Denver and Gladys' yearly activity too. 

Our next destination is the famous 洛阳大伯公宫 Loyang Tua Pek Kong Temple situated along Loyang Way. It used to be situated further off facing the sea, but was moved to the current site a few years ago. Every CNY, we will see many devotees coming here for prayers.

If you are a first timer visiting the temple and does not know what to do, fear not as there are numbers and arrows tagged near the location of the deities, directing you where you should go to complete your prayers around the temple. 


Do you find this Fortune God familiar? If you are a regular visitor of River Hongbao, you may have identify it as the Fortune God for the Year of the Rabbit 2 years ago. :) It is common to see these statues being moved to a different site after the event has ended. 

See how it has transformed - (http://bpdgtravels.blogspot.sg/2011/02/river-hongbao-2011.html)

Day 3 - Bad weather experienced throughout the Chinese New Year period has hindered a lot of our initial plans. Unlike the previous years where we were busy travelling around the island and doing our CNY visiting, this year we get to enjoy little moments staying home resting.  

Having said that and with the golden opportunity, it was also the first time we made 年糕 (also known as rice cake). Eating Nian Gao symbolizes raising oneself taller ( 年年高升) and hence it is very popular during CNY. Denver & Gladys adored its sweetness and kept asking for more!

Having more than one Lo Hei during CNY is perfectly normal. It is a Must Have dish and a Must do tradition this festive season. 

Hubby always says: " Once we passed CNY eve, CNY celebration will end in a jiff". I hate to agree with him but it does seems happy moments and time seems to flash past quickly. Holidays are never enough and we could only wish for more. :)