Stimson Center Now Accepting Applications for South Asia and Space Internship Position

The South Asia program at Stimson offers fall, summer, and spring internships to highly motivated and talented individuals prepared to apply their skills to a broad range of topics. The programs work under the direction of Michael Krepon, co-founder of Stimson, and a leading expert in South Asian regional issues, nuclear nonproliferation, and space security.

This internship provides an excellent opportunity for individuals with a demonstrated interest in these topics to enhance their understanding of the issues and build on their experiences. This internship is suitable for those with some background in South Asian regional studies or nonproliferation but little work experience. The intern will have the unique opportunity to work on a variety of topics during the term. The intern will be primarily associated with the South Asia program, but may have limited duties with the Space Security program.

The South Asia program works on strengthening the nuclear nonproliferation regime in general while advancing confidence building and nuclear risk-reduction measures between India and Pakistan. The program also addresses some non-nuclear South Asian security issues.

The Space Security Program works to develop a code of conduct for responsible space-faring nations, increase awareness of the dangers of deploying space weapons, and offer alternatives to space weapons. The program also provides policy-makers with the information needed to make wise choices on space security.

The vast majority of the intern's time would be spent working on issues related to India-Pakistan strategic stability and crisis management, as well as on projects related to the integrety of the global nonproliferation system. 

In addition to working on these issues, the intern will engage in life at Stimson. The intern will gain from interacting with other staff, meeting fellow interns, and participating in Stimson's events. Located in the heart of Washington, the intern will have the opportunity to attend events that feature some of the best experts on South Asia and nonproliferation issues.

Internships are volunteer experience only. All internships are unpaid. For more information, please visit the follwing link.