Video: Climbing Nanga Parbat's Mummery Face - Round 2

Daniele Nardi and Elisabeth Revol have just returned home from their attempt at a winter ascent of Nanga Parbat in Pakistan and now have shared another video from the mountain. The duo were attempting to climb the Mummery Face but like everyone else, were turned back by high winds, deep snow and bitterly cold temperatures. In the video, they spend the first minute and half explaining their route using a photo from a book. After that footage from the climb takes over giving us an idea of just how difficult the climb really was. It is some very impressive footage from the peak and indicates what the climbers were dealing with there the past few months.

Nanga Parbat Winter - videonews 07 - Mummery attempt 2 from Daniele Nardi on Vimeo.