Walking The Nile Team Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Earlier in the week I wrote a story about two Brits, Lev Wood and Simon Clarke, who are preparing to walk the length of the Nile River. At the time, the details for the expedition were still filling in, but we knew that they were planning a year-long expedition that would cross through seven countries and cover more than 4250 miles in the process. There was no date set for the start of the journey, but we do know that Wood and Clarke intend to embark this year.

Fast forward a few days and we're starting to get a clearer picture of their plans. The team has now launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the expedition and they're hoping to raise £30,000 (roughly $46,500) to get things underway. The campaign is scheduled to run for another 51 days, which means they won't be setting off on their trek until late April at the earliest.

The Kickstarter page tells us that Lev and Simon have already secured a television deal which will include three 60-minute episodes of their expedition to be aired on the BBC. Once underway, they'll also have a live GPS tracker that will allow us to track their progress at all times. The Walking the Nile website will also be updated to provide regular blog posts as well as video and photos from the field.

As of now, the team has received just 2% of their funding goal on Kickstarter, with 11 people contributing to the cause. Hopefully they'll achieve their goal however and be able to get the expedition off the ground. This is definitely one adventure I'm looking forward to following.