2013 Piolets d'Or Winners

A few weeks back I posted a story on the announcement of the 2013 Piolets d'Or nominees which are given out annually in recognition of outstanding achievements in mountaineering. The list was a particularly strong one and at the time I wrote that piece I mentioned that each of the expeditions was worthy of getting the award. Turns out I was right, because the jury couldn't decide between them either and ended up awarding the "Golden Axe" to all six nominees.

The 2013 winners of the Piolets d'Or are:
• Kyle Dempster, Hayden Kennedy, and Josh Wharton for the South Face of the Ogre in Pakistan
• Sandy Allan and Rick Allen for the Complete Mazeno Ridge on Nanga Parbat in Pakistan
• Dmitry Golovchenko, Alexander Lange, and Sergey Nilov for the Northeast Spur of Muztagh Tower in Pakistan
• Sébastien Bohin, Didier Jourdain, Sébastien Moatti, and Sébastien Ratel for the Southwest Face of Kamet in India
• Mick Fowler and Paul Ramsden for the Northeast Ridge of Shiva in India
• Tatsuya Aoki, Yasuhiro Hanatani and Hiroyoshi Manome for the South Pillar of Kyashar in Nepal
Our friends over at EpicTV were on hand at the awards ceremony and they posted the video from the event below.