Xpedition.TV Launches Adventure Filmmaking Competition

Xpedition.TV is a new website whose mission is to showcase new adventure films while also helping aspiring filmmakers to find funding for their personal projects. The site looks to mentor those filmmakers while also organizing a series of challenge awards that will help them to gain exposure. Today at MountainFilm they have announced the first of those competitions in the form of their "Emerging Talent Filmmaker's Challenge."

The competition will run from May 23 - June 30 and features three potential categories in which someone can win. Those categories include "Most Inspiring," "Most Innovative" and "Most Surprising." The films should be no longer than five minutes in length and should focus outdoor adventure, outdoor sports or exploration. For complete rules and information on how to submit your film, click here.

The winners of this first challenge will have their short films showcased on Xpedition.TV, gaining some nice exposure for their work. On top of that, they'll each receive a Sherpa 50 solar charging kit from Goal Zero. That is a piece of gear that I reviewed very favorably awhile back and is something that will come in handy for any filmmaker working in the field.

If you're an aspiring outdoor or adventure filmmaker this is a great chance to get some exposure for your work as well as snag a great piece of gear in the process. If you have a project you've been working on for awhile, wrap it up in the next few weeks and get it entered into this competition. It could be the big break you've been waiting for.