HIST 6641.10 Modern Southeast Asia

CRN: 53136

Rome 206


5:10PM - 7:00PM

Still have room in your fall 2013 academic schedule? Check  out HIST 6641.10 Modern Southeast Asia taught by Professor Shawn McHale.


This course centers on the modern transformation of Southeast Asia from the mid-18th century to the end of the 1970s, with some attention paid to contemporary issues as well.   This course attempts, in comparative fashion, to explore the dynamics of nationalism, revolution, state formation, and social change in mainland, maritime, and upland Southeast Asia. The course will also touch on a host of other themes: the changing character of the state, the impact of colonial rule, ethnic relations, decolonization and war, the postcolonial world, war and violence, and economic transformations.    

This will be a reading seminar that does not presume a background in Southeast Asian studies.  Readings address developments in the major countries of the region.   

Readings will focus on many of the countries of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia. These readings will include work by historians, political scientists, and anthropologists. They include Benedict O'Gorman Anderson, Imagined Communities, Thongchai Winichakul, Siam Mapped, Natalie Mobini-Kesheh, The Hadrami Awakening: Community and Identity in the Netherlands East Indies, 1900-1942, David Chandler, Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison, Duncan McCargo, Tearing Apart the Land, James Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia (2009).

Shawn McHale
Associate Professor of History and International Affairs

Shawn McHale is a leading scholar of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Born in Malaysia, he has lived ten years of his life in Southeast Asia.  He has a PhD in Southeast Asian history from Cornell University, and has received numerous awards, including two Fulbright-Hays fellowships. McHale has written broadly on Southeast Asian and Vietnamese culture, history, and contemporary politics.  He has lectured in North America, Europe, and Asia.  His scholarship has appeared in English, Vietnamese, and French.  He is currently working on a book on the First Indochina War (1945-54). Among his recent publications is "Ethnicity, Violence, and Khmer-Vietnamese Relations: the Significance of the Lower Mekong Delta, 1757-1954," Journal of Asian Studies (May 2013). 

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