Its March holidays and Denver is having his one week break from school. Since Monday, he has been asking me.. "Mummy, are you working?".. I replied "Yes, of course!" "Why are you working? It's holiday... " "It's holiday for you, but not for me. Mummy got to work and earn money ah." "Arghhhh.. Daddy leh?" "Daddy also has to work ah.." "Arghhhh... Why both of you have to work? I want to go out and play leh" Then, you'll see the sad and disappointed look on his face. :p
Well..Denver always wanted to go out and have some fun.. whether it's holiday or not. I guess since he is having more free time at home, he wanted it even more.. Hubby and I decided to take a day off on Wednesday to bring him and Gladys out to have some fun. He was happy of course!
We woke up to another rainy morning and decided to go visit Science Center (since we haven't been there for ages). Had a nice breakfast at Macdonalds where Denver got another Happy Meal toy (again.. :S) . Due to the school holidays, there are many families like us bringing their child.. We can also see Teachers bringing students as well. There are quite a lot of exhibits there.. From Hall A to F... So many stations to stop by. We were moving on really slow.. :p Gladys was excited and wanted to play as well.. hahaha. Although the floor is carpeted.. it is kinda dangerous to let her down and run because of the other kids and objects around.

Well..Denver always wanted to go out and have some fun.. whether it's holiday or not. I guess since he is having more free time at home, he wanted it even more.. Hubby and I decided to take a day off on Wednesday to bring him and Gladys out to have some fun. He was happy of course!
We woke up to another rainy morning and decided to go visit Science Center (since we haven't been there for ages). Had a nice breakfast at Macdonalds where Denver got another Happy Meal toy (again.. :S) . Due to the school holidays, there are many families like us bringing their child.. We can also see Teachers bringing students as well. There are quite a lot of exhibits there.. From Hall A to F... So many stations to stop by. We were moving on really slow.. :p Gladys was excited and wanted to play as well.. hahaha. Although the floor is carpeted.. it is kinda dangerous to let her down and run because of the other kids and objects around.
Denver loved the Water works area most! There is a miniature "Tornado" pool and he enjoyed throwing the balls in and watch it 'spin' out back to the pool. He was busy splashing the water and throwing the balls. Due to time constrain, we had to ask him to go else he will miss the other sections.. He was very reluctant to go.
Based on previous experience, the food there is not that cheap too.. so we had our proper lunch at the food court before we go and taste some free food there. :p As usual, there are stalls selling Taiwan, Korean, Japanese and local delicacies. We sampled chocolates, many drinks, otah and others. Hubby bought ice-creams, dumplings, sauages and grass jelly. The sauages selling at 2 for $1 sucks.. we only had one bite and that's it.. I quickly 'rinsed' my mouth with the ice-cream. The grass jelly and dumplings was nice.. :) We never had to worry about getting thirsty too. hehehe.. Gladys love the food too.. she was 'mum mum' all the way.. especially on the ice-cream!
By now, all of us are totally worn out.. Denver has been complaining he couldn't walk any further. Of course! There are no more motivation for him.. :p We headed back home and it was 5pm already. After cleaning up and feeding Gladys.. we quickly stop by my inlaw's place. Our stomachs are still full and no way we could have dinner. To avoid getting hungry in the night, we bought some supper from Rivervale Mall. Soon Kuey, Putu Mayam for us and a chicken burger for Denver.
This marks the end of our 'Family Day'... Tired.. my feet starts to hurt and Hubby is very tired too. It is even more exhausting compared to a normal working day. Still, most importantly, we all had Fun and enjoyed each other's company ... as a Family. :D