I had about 3 hours to work today between coffee with Wendy, making lunch, picking up the kids. I got quite a bit done. The color is on the walls of one of the changing rooms, the mirror is painted (see below!) and the shelves are started. Oh... and the ceiling has one coat on it.
Now my big problem started once I got the color on the walls. As you can see by this photo, there are huge gaping cracks between the pieces of crapboard. Oh... I mean chipboard. So, I went to Walmart and got some spackling. There may have been a better way to deal with this, but I got a HUGE tub of this stuff for about $6.50. So, I filled in the gaps with it. See below!

Here is what I bought. Worked really well. As you will soon see...
It is a pretty pink color until it dries. That's how you know it is ready. Once it dries, it is white!

It is a pretty pink color until it dries. That's how you know it is ready. Once it dries, it is white!
The miracles of man-made materials! BTW... I don't think a man created this stuff. HAD to be a woman.
Kimm.... I did it! I painted one of my mirrors with spray paint. It is truly addictive! I also ended up painting a basket in a darker blue to match the shelf stuff that you will see at a later date.
Here is one of the hideous mirrors that I took down to paint. I took a piece of paper from the art easel that kids have and folded the edges in to fit the mirror, leaving an edge so I could tape it down to the mirror and mask it off.

I then painted it bright white. I wanted to show it but then, I just realized that I'm supposed to wait until the 14th to do the reveals, so I can't even show you the finished product. Just know that it is going to be amazing!
This weekend, the ceiling still needs one more coat on this side, but the rest is turning out great, I think! So much better than I ever imagined since it is just crapboard. I plan to get to work on the shelves. During the week I'll be starting the boy side and I need to get some paint for the concrete floors and find some cute carpets for on them.