There are a lot of reasons why I stopped. "It's too hot." "It's too cold." "I don't like the color I chose." "The primer isn't covering well enough." Oh... I could go on and on.
So, let's skip ahead. We have an awesome area which we refer to as the "poolhouse". Now it isn't anything like those gorgeous poolhouses in Coastal Living magazines. As a matter of fact, it is little more than a large closet turned into two changing rooms with some shelves in between. Very functional, but not pretty.
I'm not sure what the people were thinking who built this, but they didn't finish anything inside. And I don't want to be bothered with adding drywall and such to it. Nor do I want to spend much money making it over. Well, let me show you what it looks like. It is storing a lot of our winter pool stuff, so you will see lots of STUFF in there. Just ignore the stuff and look at the changing room & shelves. The other changing room looks almost the same but on the opposite side of the shelves. So, the shelves are already primed. This is what I did 2 years ago. The other changing room is also primed, but I'm not showing that just yet.

Note that ugly (oops... I mean that mirror that isn't quite my style?) You will see it again.
Oh, and that Aloha sign is from G's 1st birthday party Luau. I painted it. :-) It might be time for that to go away though.

Each changing room has a nice, functional bench and a gross concrete floor.

These are the mirrors that were left in the poolhouse by the previous owners.
If they were real guilded gold they might be nice, but they are nothing more than
moulded plastic. So, I'm going to attempt something that I've seen Kimm at Reinvented do oh-so-many times. I'm going to spray paint them! I have to buy some paint, but I want to see how the rest of the room turns out before I paint them. I'll let you know later.

Okay, so here's my plan.... I'm going to do a girls' changing room and a boys' changing room.
There are folding ugly brown plastic doors on the rooms now, so I'm going to remove those and chuck them. I'm going to put up curtains, paint and go from there. It will probably take me a while to get it all done, but my ideas are many! Tune in tomorrow for the progress (if any!)