I'm so happy I bought it. The pictures are awesome and I'm having a great time playing with it.
Here are a few pictures I took on my first roll (well, not my first roll.... the first one was wound in the camera wrong. Oops... good to follow directions). But this is the first roll that I had developed. My blog columns cut the pictures. Grrr.... please click on it to make it open larger. I love this picture! I've never had an SLR camera, so I'm totally new at it. I'm used to pointing and clicking and uploading and fixing. These below were untouched.
As summer comes to a close...
Playing with Depth of Field....
Big shadows...
Swimming on September 2nd? Unheard of in our parts!
Neighbor's Kitty pawing the cat food jar....
Playing with some stop action...
So I think my $5 was worth it. Do you? Also, the photos in the previous post were taken with my
digital point-and-shoot Nikon CoolPix S9. Someone had asked. I love the color in the pictures with the Nikon, but it does best outside. In low lighting, like school auditoriums, there is no way to get a good picture, IMHO.
Hmmm... now which lenses to start collecting?
A macro lense could be cool!
I'll have to do some research and