beautiful animals and amazing when it was big. in Indonesia known as clams.
This animal mortality rate is high (70-99%) until the juvenile stage.
mortality rates gradually - gradually decreased until the adult stage of clams.
to become adult clams gan takes five years. It was 15-35 cm shell length.

gan can be imagined when these animals are consumed by major, with a mortality rate of such a large, then how the continuity of this species in the world.
Clams or giant clam found in many reef ecosystems in the Indo-Pacific,
including Indonesia. Of the nine species of Tridacna the world today, eight
of which exist in Indonesia. Clams already well known by the public beaches in Indonesia,
particularly around Sulawesi and Papua. Because besides conservation value, Tridacna also have
high economic value.
Clam-shell killer or a cannibal – the biggest clam in the world. Five feet in length and weighing over 200 pounds, he lives in areas of coral reefs to a depth of 20 meters. This shell lives a very long time – years poppet 150. It is called “Giant clam” “Tridacna”. People are naturally he does not eat, unless he specifically did not get into the closing doors. But the size of his inspires and generates awful legends. The giant clam is considered a delicacy in Japan, France, Southeast Asia and many Pacific islands. He himself lived through symbiosis with algae, which live on it. And also know how to filter water passing through it and vytseplyat out plankton.
The meat can be utilized for food sources.
Shells commonly used for household appliances or building materials.
In the 1980s, Tridacna shells are widely used as materials
manufacture of terrazzo tiles.