~ Punggol East Family Day - USS Here We Come (Part 2) ~

After lunch, we braced ourselves for more rides and longer queues. Most of the rides needs at least 25-45mins waiting time at The Lost World. We joined in the line for Dino-Soarin waiting to soar up in the sky in one of the Pteranodons. The children are getting impatient seeing the long slow-moving queue in front of them and standing under the hot weather doesn't makes them feel good. Thanks to the covered shelter, wall fans and water-cooler units, it makes our wait less temperamental and more bearable.

We headed straight to the Canopy Flyer where it states an estimate of 40mins waiting time at the entrance. I was a bit hesitant to take the ride initially since it does look kinda scary sitting on the vehicle and flying round at high speed. However, Denver & Gladys are so persistent on riding the Canopy Flyer and here we are! The waiting time isn't as bad as I thought and soon enough, it was our turn! Guests will need to deposit their bags at the side and take out their loose footware (slippers, flip flops etc) and sit on it. This is to avoid losing them during the 1 minute aerial ride.

I started to feel scared and worry if Gladys is game enough to take the ride. Luckily Hubby will be taking care of her while I close my eyes and scream my way through with Denver. Many times, I felt as if I am flying out of the vehicle and could not look! How can one have a good eye view of the Jurassic Park from the top at this speed??? Hahaha. I must applaud Gladys for her bravery as she safely completes her first thrill ride without crying or having wobbling legs. Denver enjoyed it so much that he wanted to go for another round! Seeing the long queue, I gave that a pass and we move on to Rapid Adventures.

This is one of the favourite rides in the Park and we were lucky that the queue isn't that long. We heard the longest waiting time can go up to 2 hours during peak hours! Since Rapid Adventure is well-known to make it's guests wet, we brought along our own poncho.

We are still missing one poncho, we bought a "Survival Gear" for $2 SGD. For those who likes to get themselve wet, save the $$ from buying the gear, hop on and enjoy. The circular raft took us on a ride along the waterway where we saw dinosaurs and hearing them roar. Moving into the tunnel and gradually in total darkness, we could only hear the sounds and eventually got hit with a big splash towards the end of the ride, after the plunge. Luckily we had our ponchos to protect us from getting all soak.

Kids with their Survivor Gear on. :)

That pretty much ends our adventure at the Lost World as we go into the world of Ancient Eygpt. Revenge of the Mummy is an indoor roller coaster ride which is too thrilling for us to take and so we took  a motorcar ride at the Treasure Hunters. Gladys wanted to take the front seat and control the wheel but she ended up dozing off while queueing for the ride only to be awaken when she is on board. Nevertheless, she enjoyed the car ride even though Denver finds it kinda boring.

No Thanks.. We are not going for the Mummy ride.

From ancient ruins, we go into the future - Sci-Fi City. You will not miss the Battlestar Galactica - High Speed roller coaster that is finally in operation after a technical fault was detected during the test runs last year. The twists and turns and loops makes this the main attraction in the Park. 

We also went on our own spinning and twirling action at the Accelerator. The children had fun and wouldn't mind for a second round. Waiting time is extremely short (not sure if it's because it's getting late) and we had a good spin.

Photo-taking everywhere whenever we spot Mascots around USS.

Part 3 - To be continued...