~ Punggol East Family Day - USS Here We Come (Part 1) ~

Our first visit to Universal Studios Singapore was a year ago where we went for the Sneak Preview (no rides/show) for $10 SGD per ticket. This time round, it's a totally different experience as we will be entering the park with all the rides waiting for us. ^_^

Rivervale Community Center has organised a Punggol East Family Day Event at Universal Studios Singapore at a discounted rate! (about 30-40% off the usual weekend rates)! Not only that, it comes with free transportation, breakfast, drinks, door gifts and lucky draw!
Adults - $50
Children - $30
Senior Citizen - $25

We woke up early to meet at our destinated RC by 8am. Free bottled drinks, packet drinks, nasi-lemak, mango pudding and free caps were given out! Big Thanks to the sponsors and organization committee!

We settled down and had our breakfast so that we do not need to bring so many packets and bottles to USS. Buses were already waiting to pick up all the residents to the park. We set off at 830am and arrived at around 9 plus in the morning. There was already a huge crowd outside the entrance as we waited for our turn to take group photos.

Since it was the Punggol East Family Day event, we were allowed to enter the park earlier than it's usual opening hours - 10am.

We headed towards Waterworld where our Guest-of-Honour, Michael Palmer gave a short welcoming speech and also conducted the lucky draw. Well, none of us are the lucky winners among the 2000+ strong crowd. :) But everyone is already a winner with all the goodies and a nice day out at USS today!

As soon as the lucky draw ended at around 1045am, we headed on straight to Far Far Away. This is Gladys' favourite spot because of the enchanted castle as well as the gingerbread house. :)

We queued up for our first show - Shrek 4-D Adventure as we made our way into the castle after waiting for 10 mins. Gladys was extremely delighted as she was brought into a dark room with an introductory story of Shrek, Princess Fiona and Donkey's adventure. We were later being led into the theatre where the real adventure beings in 4-D! Put on your glasses and enjoy the 3-D film as you go on a bouncy ride, experience the water sprinkles on your face and wind blowing beneath your feet and on your face.

Coming out of the castle, we spotted the gingerbread house. Hubby paid $11 for 2 gingerbread man cookies (1 each for the kids). It sure is expensive but Gladys won't leave without one. :)

Going into the Fairy Godmother's Potion shop, you will spot a mini Ferris wheel (Magic Potion Spin) at the back of the store. This is more suited for younger children who wish to circle round inside the swaying wooden vat.

For the more adventurous ones, hop on to the Enchanted Airways - an outdoor family roller coaster ride. Denver is very keen to take on this challenge and Daddy accompanied him on his first junior roller coaster spin! Not only that, they were seated at the very first row! Wooooooooosh.....

While the 'boys' were away, I spotted Puss-in-boots and followed him to queue for a photo shot. That spares us from the gruelling ride. Haha. :)

Waterworld is our next destination and it is a MUST-WATCH live-water show in USS. Do not leave without catching this trilling stunt performance that comes with real explosions! There are 3 show-times for Waterworld (12:30pm, 2:30pm, 5:30pm). Do plan your rides/stops within the park to avoid disappointment. 

Waterworld Stunt Act Settings

Prior to the stunt performance, it is accompanied with a fun-filled water splashing session. Remember to choose your seats very carefully to avoid getting wet if you are not game enough. However, if you like to have fun, enjoy the excitement and wished to be entertained, take a seat in the Splash-zone area right at the front. ENJOY & BEWARE!!! You have been WARNED! :)

Initially, Denver was sitting at the Splash-zone area. After seeing the first round of spraying.. he changed his mind and decided to sit with us at the Dry-zone. I guess he prefers to see others getting wet instead. Hahahahaha... :)
Waterworld Show

We were famished after the Waterworld show despite taken some bread earlier on. There are many F&B options in USS and we decided to have our lunch at the Discovery Food Court in The Lost World. There are many Singapore's local delights like chicken rice, laksa etc and we decided to go for the Halal food which has the shortest queue. Dining in USS is not cheap, but we have to fill our stomachs to rejuvenate ourselves before moving on for more rides. :)

Part 2 - to be continued.... ^_^