The Crown Prince of Brunei Darussalam Explores Partnerships with GW

GW President Steven Knapp welcomed His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, The Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office of Brunei Darussalam, to campus Sept. 18.

The Crown Prince of Brunei and President Knapp met in Duquès Hall to discuss potential partnerships with George Washington for faculty research and student exchanges.

The meeting also included His Royal Highness Pengiran Muda Abdul Qawi; The Honorable Pehin Dato Lim Jock Seng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade II; His Excellency Dato Paduka Haji Yusoff Haji Abd Hami, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to the United States of America, and Muhammad Lutfi bin Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office.

With GW's new state-of-the-art Science and Engineering Hall in progress, GW officials are hopeful that one of the outcomes of this historic meeting will be student exchanges with Brunei in engineering and sciences.

Brunei Darussalam is a Southeast Asian nation on the island of Borneo, and its constitutional sultanate has its roots in the 14th century. The geography of Brunei is known for its dense forests and swamps, and perhaps with a future partnership, GW can work with this nation to preserve its rich biodiversity and natural lands.