Want to join in on the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival in DC? Read and apply by Nov. 14th

The National Cherry Blossom Festival is seeking individuals who have a true passion for Japan, international relationships, and the Festival for the 2012 Goodwill Ambassador Program.
The annual events and programs of the National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrate Tokyo, Japan’s gift of cherry trees to Washington, DC in 1912, and the enduring friendship between the people of the United States and Japan. The 2012 Festival commemorates the 100th anniversary of the gift of trees and the duration of this year’s festival will expand from two weeks to five starting on March 20 and culminating on April 27, 2012.
Goodwill Ambassadors in past years have had the opportunity to attend Festival events, and meet the Ambassador of Japan and leaders in the DC community. Many view the experience as having been an essential step in their professional careers by utilizing contacts they made during the program to explore potential educational and career paths. Goodwill Ambassadors engage with the local community at tree plantings in neighborhoods and public schools, and coordinating hands-on activities for children. Every year, Goodwill Ambassadors are an indispensable resource for Festival attendees and the Festival as a whole, as they share their knowledge of the Festival, coordinate activities, and deepen their connection to Japan.
The experience of a Goodwill Ambassador is a rewarding and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Festival's official Goodwill Ambassadors are actively engaged throughout the Festival season by:
Planning and leading hands-on activities for children at signature events: Family days at the National building museum, Blossom Kite Festival, and the Southwest Waterfront Fireworks Festival.
Representing the Festival at events such as, but not limited to: The National Cherry Blossom Festival press conference, The Pink Tie Party, The Opening Ceremony Spectacular, The Lantern Lighting Ceremony, The National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade, and the Ft. McNair Military Tree Planting & Ball.
Acting as cultural and educational liaisons at DC-area schools, neighborhood tree planting, and events attended by the Japanese and Japanese-American community of Washington, D.C.
Deadline to apply: Monday, November 14th, 2011
This opportunity is open to college sophomores, juniors, seniors, and recent college graduate students. Japanese language ability is preferred.