Denis Rouvre: Sadhus

Photo © Denis Rouvre-All Rights Reserved

Absolutely gorgeous!!!

The gallery of sadhus made by portrait photographer Denis Rouvre really knocked my socks off. So many reasons for that, but readers of this blog may already know I have a fondness for chiaroscuro, and these are gorgeous exemplars of this style. The lighting, the simplicity of the poses and their 'naturalness' are additional qualities of these portraits.

To view Rouvre's Sadhus gallery on his website, click on Work. And while you're at it, you will also want to view his equally impressive gallery of Senegalese wrestlers which won the second prize in the Sports features stories at World Press Photo in 2010.

Denis Rouvre is a French portrait photographer who photographed internationally known celebrities throughout the years, and on other personal and editorial projects. His work was exhibited extensively throughout the world, and he also released several books and monographs.