Elliott School Freeman Foundation Fellowship for Internships in Asia

Elliott School Freeman Foundation Fellowship for internships in Asia

Graduate Student Career Development (GSCD) recently received a grant to help defray the costs for students pursuing internships in Asia.  Please consider adding a work experience in Asia to compliment your academic studies at the Elliott School.

Not sure if an internship or work experience will make a difference to employers?
Employers surveyed by GSCD for the Employment Qualifications and Skills Report rated the following qualifications as very important when making hiring decisions:

1)  International experience and contacts
2)  Foreign language skills
3)  Cross cultural competencies and communication skills

Where have previous Elliott School students interned in Asia?  A few examples of the countries/organizations past Elliott School students have interned in Asia:

* The Clinton Foundation-China
* US Department of State - Japan, Vietnam, and China
* UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office-Thailand
* US Commerce Department Foreign Commercial Services-Singapore
* Development Alternatives, Inc.-Cambodia

Graduate Student Career Development is pleased to offer Freeman Foundation competitive grants for up to $4,000 that are available immediately to students that intern in Asia. 

Please log into Elliott School Career Connection (ESCC) and check the Document Library for more information including the application for the Freeman Foundation Fellowship Grant for Internships in Asia.

If you have any questions, please email Angella Griffin, Director, GSCD at agriffin@gwu.edu