The streets are always buzzling with people especially during the weekends but it is also the best time of the year to witness how vibrant and exciting Chinatown is! Surprising Denver and Gladys did not complain about the heat and jostling among the crowd. On the contrary, they pretty much enjoyed scanning through the CNY goodies with us and had some rounds of food-tasting along the way.
In less than 2 weeks, we will be welcoming the Year of the Water Snake. Snake sculptures, decorated with lanterns, can be found along New Bridge Road and South Bridge Road. Personally, I preferred the cuter snake (formed by about 850 yellow sky lanterns) that was looming above my head. Didn't really get a chance to walk to the front and grab a nice photo shot of the snake, so I can only view from the back.
It is uplifting to hear the stall owners and assistants yelling at the top of their voice to bring in more sales, to see the crowd choosing and grabbing their CNY goodies and to feel the sea of red once more.
We spotted a pretty Happy plant on sale. It looks really interesting and easy to maintain. Unfortunately, this little green bag is a bit too pricy that we have to give it a miss.
Hubby bought some yummy candies for Denver and Gladys to replenish their 'sugar' that they might have lost during the long walk. ^_^ It always works to increase their happiness level.
As for myself, I always enjoy looking at the flowers and hope to bring home a pot of Pussy Willows this year. ^_^ Visiting Chinatown is the mark of our CNY celebrations.