~ Water Play surrounded by Nature ~

It has been almost 2 years since our last visit to the Lower Seletar Reservoir. We have been to a couple of water playgrounds but I particularly love the surrounding here.

Enclosed by trees and clear waters, Lower Seletar has a bigger water play area suitable for young toddlers as well as older children. Unlike the water playgrounds in the shopping malls which are usually crowded, the children got a lot of space to soak in to the fun.

The water is shallow (~ ankle to knee length) and there is a lot of sitting area for parents. 

We took off our footwear and walked in the cooling waters. I enjoyed doing my rounds of foot reflexology. It would be nice to come in the evening when the sun is not so hot.

Sibling sitting down and soaking their tired feet. 

Water jets from the main fountain area is always a favourite spot for the children. It gets even prettier in the night with the lights. See our previous post - http://bpdgtravels.blogspot.sg/2011/08/family-bay-at-lower-seletar-reservoir.html.

Alternatively, you can take a stroll out on the heritage bridge that takes you out further into the reservoir overlooking a golf course to seek some peace and enjoy its tranquility.

Water sports in the reservoir.

Lower Seletar Reservoir is truly a beauty sets within our heartland.