Video: Down The Line - Canyoneering In Vancouver, BC

Canyoneering is a sport that has been growing in popularity in recent years thanks in part to its intriguing mix of climbing, hiking and exploration. In a nutshell, canyoneering sends us down into the depths of a narrow slot canyon looking for a way out. It has caught on in the canyon-rich places like Utah or the ALps, and now there is a group of outdoor enthusiasts bringing the sport to Vancouver.

The video below is a trailer for a film called Down the Line and it follows a couple of canyoneers as they go out looking for a first descent in the Squamish mountains. If the full film is as beautiful as this teaser video, it looks like we'll be in for quite a treat when the full film becomes available. It looks spectacular.

Down The Line - Trailer from Francois-Xavier De Ruydts on Vimeo.