Eastbank Esplanade urban engagement session of Barb & Keith.

It seems as if we of MoscaPhoto truly have great luck when it comes to cooperating weather and our shooting schedule! Yesterday was the only time Barb & Keith could have their shoot (they live in Germany, just landed in Portland and are getting married next friday July 22nd!). Both they and we literally drove through torrential rain to get to our designated meeting spot at Portland's Eastbank Esplanade... when we got there, the rain stopped and stayed away for the entire time!

Here are a handful of images from yesterday's shoot. We met in the evening to take advantage of the beautiful sunset-ish light and to give them time to drive to the airport right after, to pick up Keith's mom who was to fly over from England. Definitely on a tight schedule! haha! :)

We did it though! And we couldn't be happier. We got to know them and laugh with them and give Keith a foot-tour of downtown Portland, which he enjoyed very much since it was his first time here! Their wedding will be even more fun now that we have had the chance to work together. Can't wait for it yay! :)

Barbara & Keith
Wedding date: Friday July 22nd 2011
Wedding venue: Gorge Crest Winery, Underwood WA